Friday, 14 November 2014

CPU - Purpose and Functions of the CPU

 In a computer, what covers the microprocessor? Why is it nessasary?
The microprocessor is covered by a heat sink which prevents the risk of over heating the computer's processor after running a number of multiple programes at once. Without a quality heat sink, you could be at high risk of destrying your entire system, costin you hundreds or even thousands of pounds.
 The microprocessor contains integrated circuits that make up the CPU.

CPU =  Computer Prcoessing Unit

Computer Processing Unit is responsible for executing a sequence of instructions known as a program. The program will take inputs from an input device, process the input and output the results to an output device.
The CPU is hardware that executes programs and manages the rest of the computer system. It sits underneath the heat sink on the motherboard and is made up of millions of electrical switches called transistors.

Most electronic devices rely on CPU's for operation; mobile phones, DVD players and washing machines are examples of equipment that have a CPU.
The CPU contain different functions
  • The control unit is in charge of processing. It interprets the software instruction and sends the right data and operation to the ALU. It accepts the result of the processing from the ALU and sends it back to the memory unit. The CU will keep track of the sequence of instructions and the location of each item of data and software instruction in the memory unit.
  • The Arithmetic and Logic unit (ALU) carries out mathematical tasks rapidly, performs calculations and logic operations in binary form 1/0 on data from the memory unit. The ALU transforms the digital data and outputs the resulting value.
  • Registers (Memory Unit) store items of data and send them to the ALU for processing. The result of the processing will be copied back to the memory unit for storage




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